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Related Conditions:

Ageing Lips

Eye Wrinkles / Crow’s Feet

Sagging Brow

Sagging Face

Sunken Cheeks

Volume Loss


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Privé MEDSPA Liquid Facelift

The 3D Liquid Facelift is a facial contouring procedure that involves the use of strategically placed Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers around the face. The 3D Liquid Facelift, also known as the 3D Vector Facelift, is the latest cutting edge technology. 3D Vectoring is used to accomplish a safer 3D Liquid Facelift by use of cannulas instead of needles. Blunt-tip cannulas represent a paradigm shift in the injection techniques used by aesthetic physicians who perform injectable filler treatments. Cannulas have varying flexibility giving the physician accuracy in dermal filler placement and result in significantly less bruising as well as a less painful procedure compared to traditional hypodermic needles.

This "injectable facelift" can create a younger, plumper look and address concerns such as lines, wrinkles, volume loss and sagging. This "injectable facelift" has been making a noticeable impact in aesthetic medicine during the past few years. It is typically more subtle than surgery and an increasing number of individuals are trying 3D Liquid Facelift procedures before traditional face lift procedures.

How does it work?

Traditional surgical techniques lift the face by pulling the skin upwards and outwards. With 3D Vectoring the skin is lifted by strategic placement of volume using dermal fillers. Calcium Hydroxyl Apatite (Radiesse) has high viscosity and elasticity which holds the tissues in a lifted position. In addition, Radiesse forms new collagen over time and becomes firmer, maintaining the lift and giving long lasting results to your clients. The 3D Liquid Facelift is further enhanced with the use of Botox or Dysport for wrinkle reduction.

Using Cannulas for dermal filler placement decreases trauma to the tissues making the treatment safer with far less bruising than regular dermal filler injection techniques. It is almost pain free.

When should one start with the 3D Liquid Facelift?

If thirty-year-olds + opt for preventative non invasive procedures such as the 3D Liquid Facelift , a new trend will develop resulting in a much different type of ageing than older generations. The risks are far less than those of surgical approaches, and the results are impressive aesthetically. The 3D Liquid Facelift offers a valuable space in between the minor improvement with topicals and the major expense, downtime and risk associated with surgery.

How does the 3D Liquid Facelift give back a youthful appearance and help the ageing process?

When we are younger, the brow and jaw line elevators are more prominent and the face appears constantly elevated. As we age, the dynamics change and the depressors take over and combined with gravity, a gradual sagging of our brow and jawline takes place. If we can keep the dynamics between elevators and depressors neutral with strategically placed Botox injections every 4 to 6 months, then the sagging that occurs with ageing will be reduced. Once the Botox® "kicks" in 10 days later, the face takes on a relaxed and refreshed look and one's face appears to glow.

Is the 3D Liquid Facelift safe?

Botox is safe and effective and has been approved for cosmetic use by the FDA. Botox has become the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure and has been used for more than 10 years in aesthetic practice and more than 20 years in neurology and ophthalmology. There are many publications supporting its use. It has a long and impressive safety record.

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are produced by human genes inserted into a bacterium for reproduction (Juvederm™, Restylane ™ and Perlane™). It is a highly "conserved" protein, meaning that its genetic composition is almost exactly the same in 97% of animal species. This gives an extremely low incidence of allergic reactions; hence there is no need for pre-treatment skin testing.

Botox and dermal fillers should be injected at a physician's office by an experienced and trained medical doctor with an intimate knowledge and understanding of the muscular anatomy of the face as well as the aesthetic implications of proper placement. The final outcome and side effects of a 3D Liquid Facelift procedure will be minimized by an experienced injector and the use of the 3D Vector procedure using Cannulas as opposed to injections.


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